Make Contact With Us
Contact us
Feel free to reach out to us for any questions, inquiries or to book one of our care home activities.
Booking Activities
When making a Booking Inquiry, please outline, three date options and post code.
Operational Hours'
24 Hour Rescue.
We can be contacted at any time for our Owl and Bird of prey rescue, operational 24 hours per day, all year round, before contacting us, please ensure you have a genuine case rescue, as calling us is a waste of resources.
Activities Bookings.
Best time to call us regarding any booking, is 9-00 to 12 noon, if calling at any other time and on our mobile number, please continue to call, as we may be driving and have to park up, or we may be dealing a rescue case.
Email Replies, Smart Devices, Text.
We reply to all email within the same day or no later than 24 hours, if you do not receive a reply, within this time line, please call us.
Smart devices can cause problems for our system, there for best to use a desktop, with Text messages the same, as we do not use this medium.
Land Line: 01635770619.
Mobile: 07845 504 167.