How We Were Set Up

Originally set up by Colin Sutherland see his profile HEREto help all Owls and Birds of prey, with expertise available 24 hours, regardless of situation at any time, a social project, that is very different from any other, with work undertaken free of charge, a free service,volunteerinmg unpaid, by all concerned.

With a life long participation, experience and interest in Owls and Birds of prey, whatever my involvement in these birds, as a keeper, rescuer and activities, looking at things as a serious hobby, undertaking all aspects of work, because we are dedicated.

The mind set behind the activities  devised has always been an imaginative one, to give people access to Owls and Birds of prey, with a unique experience, on an equal level playing field, with donation based fees, affordable to everyone, and fees used for the rescue work and upkeep of the trained Owls and Birds of prey used in the activities.

,Contact Me.

If you feel you would like to chat about our activities or any other aspect of my life with birds of prey, then l am happy to help and talk about something l love.

Why we relinquished our charitable status many years ago,

Like many small organisations, we at one time registered in the past as  a charity, thinking it would benefit our work, how wrong l was,  all l found was  running around, producing no or little results, in essence, effecting the work we were set up to do, now more enjoyable in our own time, j just people doing good work free in our own free time, nothing fancy or complicated and no organisational red tape, but more effective .

Advice to small groups thinking of becoming a registered charity, think long and hard, you do not need to be a registered charity to undertake charitable good work as volunteers, being a charity in my view, is government red tape.